Morwell Recreation Reserve has been redeveloped as Gippsland’s AFL Centre of Excellence, with transformative work on the ground complete.
A full-scale redevelopment of the outdoor netball courts and car park at the reserve marked the first stage of works by Morwell based contractor HCM Constructions.
The maiden games were played on the new blue surface on 28 April, 2018 with lighting since installed to accommodate training and night play.
Traralgon company Langden Constructions then erected a shared netball and cricket pavilion which has experienced extensive usage since opening by the courts.
A lighting upgrade to the main football oval was then completed by local company Contracting Kings, with new towers installed and higher lux capacity lights now in use.
Four 30 plus metre high light towers with 44 LED lighting fixtures were installed following demolition of the old Telcom poles which were used for many years.
The new 200 lux LED lighting system allows the grounds to be used for semi-professional game play and professional practice matches.
A full-size, multisport synthetic football oval has been installed, neighbouring the Gippsland Power Centre of Excellence at the site of the former caravan park, and opened for use in February 2020.
The 120 metre by 90 metre all-weather training oval – which includes a full-size soccer pitch – supports community and elite sporting programs and increase the reserve’s capacity to host major events.
Design work was completed by LD-Eng with lead contractor TUFF TURF undertaking the construction project.
The synthetic ground features a 150 lux LED sport lighting system along with a viewing mound.
The football clubrooms and grandstand have also been upgraded to modern standards in the final piece of the $9 million project.
The clubrooms are compliant with AFL facility guidelines for regional level football with works including:
- An extension and refurbishment of existing facility
- DDA compliant unisex amenities
- Multi-use change rooms allowing for female/male change rooms
- Umpire facilities
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Synthetic Oval
Project timeline
Planning and construction: 2017/2018
Stage one netball courts completion: Early-2018
Stage two completion: 2019
Funding: $9 million, funded jointly by the Federal Government ($5 million) and State Government ($4 million)