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Designed to have a strong sustainability focus, the Gippsland Regional Aquatic Centre is the first public aquatic facility in Victoria to incorporate a deep-bore geothermal heating system.

An environmentally friendly sustainable energy source, the use of geothermal energy significantly reduces carbon footprint and decreases annual energy costs.

The system taps in to the aquifer below ground in Traralgon at a depth of more than 600 metres where the ground water is about 65 degrees Celsius.

The heat energy from the water is taken off via a heat exchanger and the cooled water is reinjected back down into the aquifer at about 40 degrees.

Drilling for the geothermal heating project was undertaken by local company Drilltec.

The geothermal pipeline has been installed and mechanical implementation works were completed by Laser Plumbing and AusGeothermal from Traralgon.


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