Positive Ageing Newsletter
The first edition of the Positive Ageing Newsletter is now available. This Newsletter is aimed at people aged 55 and over, to deliver information about what is happening in Latrobe City.
Read the first edition of the Positive Ageing Newsletter June 2024
Positive Ageing Action Plan
Latrobe City Council has a positive ageing action plan called Ageing Well Latrobe.
This is our community plan to help shape a healthy, safe and resilient community for people who are aged 55 years and over.
In developing this Plan, we have listened to the needs of our community, reviewed the health and wellbeing data and included the key principles of Living Well Latrobe, our Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2022 - 2025.
The Plan has five priority areas:
1. Support
2. Safe
3. Healthy and Active
4. Resilient and Supported
5. Natural and Built Environments
Actions have been developed to address these priority areas. The actions apply a positive ageing lens in the delivery of our work over the life of the Plan. We will welcome, connect, celebrate and support people who are aged 55 years and over and will respect their knowledge, skills and wisdom as community leaders.
To see what we are going to be working on over the next four years pick up a copy at any Service Centre, Library, Leisure Centre or download from it from our website.
Download the Ageing Well Latrobe Action Plan 2022-26
If you would like to discuss the Ageing Well Latrobe Action Plan 2022 – 26 or positive ageing in general with a Council officer, please call Latrobe City Council on 1300 367 700.
To obtain this Action Plan in languages other than English, or in other formats, please contact Latrobe City Council on 1300 367 700.
Positive Ageing Community Engagement Group
The purpose of the Group is to enable community stakeholders to provide Council with advice and guidance to assist with the development and implementation of the Ageing Well Latrobe Action Plan 2022-2026 and associated actions. The group will also provide Council with input and feedback into the operation of Latrobe City Council services and programs to ensure that the needs of our ageing community are considered or addressed.
The Group forms part of Latrobe City Council’s commitment to community engagement to ensure our work is reflective of the community’s needs and aspirations.
Latrobe City Council is seeking Expressions of Interest for 15 community members with lived or living experience of the needs and issues of older people including individuals, family members, carers or community members with strong community networks who have an interest in older people.
Expressions of Interest to join the Group close on 8 March 2024
Click here for more information and to apply.
Positive Ageing
At first glance you may see wrinkled skin, grey hair or a walking stick but below the surface there is strength, experience, diversity and determination.
These people work hard, they all have unique stories to tell, and they all make huge difference in our community.
Age=wisdom, age≠old.
Positive Ageing Festival
Latrobe City Council is committed to supporting our community members as they age by creating opportunities to respect, consider and plan for their needs to age positively.
During October, we will be celebrating Positive Ageing with exciting free activities and events throughout the municipality for members of the community aged 55+.
Bruce, 80+ lives in Morwell
Born in Foster originally, Bruce moved to Morwell almost 50 years ago to work as an Environmental Health Surveyor for Council. He continued to work across several areas in Gippsland, but eventually ended up back in Morwell, where he became involved in the Morwell Historical Society.
He’s been involved in the restoration of the Masonic Temple and now assists people interested in learning more about their ancestors. He also keenly promotes the history of the region, as it has such a diverse multicultural history.
Del, 83 lives in Morwell
Del was born in Broken Hill, NSW. Her father was in construction which meant moving around as a child. Del grew up in Falls Creek, VIC and came to the Latrobe Valley in 1956 at age 18. Del’s love of travel continued into adulthood with many tripsto Nepal, and she maintains that it’s the best way to learn about other cultures and people.
An avid gardener, Del became secretary of the Rose Society in 1992, and has taken an active part in the administration and maintenance of Morwell’s Centenary Rose Garden ever since. She has also inspired many in the community to become volunteers in the garden.
Ian, 72 lives in Jeeralang Junction
Growing up in Terang, Western Victoria, Ian moved to Melbourne to study, and ended up settling in the Latrobe Valley in the 1970s to work for the Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education teaching economics. An avid cricket player, Ian has travelled the country playing cricket with the Gippsland Goannas cricket team, and has represented Australia playing internationally in the national over 70s side against England and New Zealand. To keep himself in good shape, Ian is also involved in the Churchill 5km Parkrun every week.
Aunty Vera Briggs, 66 and lives in Moe
Aunty Vera is a well-respected Gunaikurnai elder in the Latrobe community, and has lived in Moe since 1954. She has worked in the educational space for more than 40 years and in that time she has worked for the Department of Education and Training as a Koorie Engagement Support Officer. Using her position in the Aboriginal community, she’s now involved with the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA) teaching and educating families who have young children. She has also been a part of the HIPPY program, and has helped shape the program by continuing to give cultural advice and by supporting families to enrol and participate.
Peter, 65 lives in Churchill
After growing up in Yallourn, Peter did his PMG apprenticeship in Melbourne. Upon returning he settled in Churchill and has lived there for more than 40 years, working for Telstra. He got involved in radio through his father at the uni, using the broadcast equipment there on his days off, and now presents the breakfast show on Gippsland FM 104.7. After retiring, he got involved in many community projects such as Neighbourhood Watch and Meals On Wheels with his wife. And started his own audio company providing audio technical support.
Audrey , 74 lives in Yallourn Heights
Audrey came to Australia from England at age 15, the youngest of 5 girls. She moved to Moe in 1965, as her father worked for the SEC. In Melbourne, she gained qualifications in aged care, disability, home and community, lifestyle and leisure and became a grief counsellor at Bethlem Royal Hospital. She returned to the Latrobe Valley 15 years ago and retired. However, she’s busier now than she ever has been, as she works between her husband’s business and continues to work in a social support role for Council. She maintains keeping busy and helping people is what has always kept her going forward.
Maryanne, 50+ live in Traralgon at the Glenwood assisted living
Maryanne was born in the small town of Surat, QLD before moving to the Latrobe Valley some years ago. She’s a great lover of nature and animals, and loves to spend time amongst trees watching birds. She loves the sense of freedom she gets from being out on bushwalks in nature.
Maryanne lives with a disability and in her own words says, “I can’t read, write or spell. Sometimes I’m more like a child, but I am an adult.” She wishes people could experience what life is like for her and how she is sometimes treated. She doesn’t want people like her to be forgotten by society and is a passionate advocate for disability recognition and social change.
Soula, 70 lives in Narracan (Moe South)
A native of the Greek island of Corfu, Soula came to Australia in September 1964, and trained as a nurse as helping people is what she always wanted to do. She took up work in the Central Gippsland Hospital at Traralgon and worked full-time for 25 years, then at Maryvale Private and Moe Community Hospitals until she retired in 2008. Highly active in the local Greek community, she is a member and secretary of the Greek Orthodox community for Gippsland. In 2012, She joined the Regional Advisory Council, to advise the Victorian Multicultural Commission and provide insights into issues such as migrant settlement services, employment, education, housing, citizenship and connection to culture. Among many other achievements she became the first president of the International Women’s Group and has volunteered in many more community groups in Gippsland over the years.
Elder abuse
Elder abuse has been defined by the World Health Organisation as 'a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person'.
Elder abuse can take various forms, including: financial, physical, psychological, emotional and sexual abuse, or neglect. No older person should be subjected to any form of abuse
It is estimated that 1 in 10 older people will experience elder abuse. It can be carried out by someone known to the older person, like family members, friend, professional, or paid caregiver.
Ageism is stereotyping, discrimination and mistreatment based solely on a person’s age. When directed towards older people, it comes from negative attitudes and beliefs about what it means to be older. At its extreme, ageism contributes to elder abuse.
Elder abuse specific services
Elder Abuse is wrong and there are things that can be done to stop it. Please see a list of services available if you are concerned about yourself or someone else
If someone is in immediate danger call 000.
Senior Rights Victoria: 1300 368 821
Free information, advocacy and legal advice for older people or service providers
Elder Rights Advocacy: 1800 600 700
Free advice and support for older people accessing residential care or a home care package
1800ELDERHELP: 1800 353 374
Free advice line for people experiencing elder abuse or services needing advice
Support services
CALD- In Touch: 1800 755 988
Family violence support service
Aboriginal inclusive service: 1300 946 337, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Gippsland Windemere Victims of Crime (all genders)
More information
For more information on the campaign or the Latrobe Elder Abuse Prevention Network:
Latrobe City Council: 1300 367 700
The Latrobe City Elder Abuse Prevention Network is one of ten Elder Abuse Prevention Networks funded by the Victorian state Government.