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Moe Bus Route and Car Parking Working Group

Addressing concerns raised by traders groups and residents, Council formed a Working Party that met on 20 and 27 September to raise concerns about bus routes and the impact on car parking, and to explore resolutions to the issues. 

Representatives from local traders and community associations, Transport for Victoria and Public Transport Victoria attended and took note of issues as well as providing feedback. The Working Party will continue to meet and work until the New Year. 

Issues explored so far include:

  • Concerns about the new route changes and the integration between Newborough routes and the inter-city routes, especially servicing TAFE and the Latrobe Regional Hospital 
  • The shelters at Albert Street and for the new taxi rank location on George Street need an upgrade
  • Some apparent safety concerns including:
  • The Skeltons Lane exit
  • Bus stop at Moe Race Course
  • George Street taxi rank width and the street lighting
  • Coles car park exit (Albert Street) visibility concerns
  • Replacement of the pedestrian refuge at Albert Street

Working group report

As many within the Moe community would be aware, as part of their normal service review in 2016, Public Transport Victoria and Transport for Victoria undertook their normal consultation regarding route changes and implemented those changes early 2017. 

In addition to the normal route changes arising from their normal consultation they also included the route change within Moe identified in the Moe Activity Centre Plan (MACP) and the first stage of that being the Moe Railway Revitalisation Plan (MRPRP). 

The MRPRP master plan was divided into stages of which the new Moe Service Centre on George Street was one of the first stages.

Other stages identified included a revised shared zone on Moore Street and the George Street intersection, a Youth Precinct, and improvements to the car parking currently between George Street and the railway.

Consultation on the MRPRP master plan and the Planning for the first stage did include, as part of the overall consultation process, the route change within Moe.  However, Transport for Victoria did not specifically consult with the community on this route change in 2016. 

Concurrent with the development of the Northern (local) bus interchange, the previous taxi rank was relocated east and notable, the inset was reduced in width from approximately 4.5m to 3.0m.

This has caused some angst within the community suggesting that the lack of recent consultation means the changed route should be reconsidered.  At the 31 July 2017 Council meeting Council resolved as follows.

That Council:

  1. Coordinates a working party consisting of Council representatives and a Councillor, Public Transport Victoria representatives, Committee of Moe representatives, Moe Traders Association representatives and a representative of the Moe Taxis to examine concerns and propose solutions in relation to issues with the bus routes and bus stops in Moe & Newborough, parking in the CBD and the George St Taxi Rank in Moe;
  2. Reports the outcomes of this working party to the Moe and Newborough Community on or before the 23 October 2017;
  3. Reports the outcomes of this working party to Council on or before the 23 October 2017; and
  4. Commits to no further reduction in car parking until the working party examines the current issues with car parking within the CBD.

Latrobe City Council organised representatives from the relevant organisation and met with them on 20 September and 27 September 2017.  The meetings were attended on behalf of Council by Councillor Bradley Law, the Manager Infrastructure Development, and the General Manager Infrastructure and Recreation.  The following industry representatives also attended and helped with the process to review the many recent changes.

  • Transport for Victoria
  • Public Transport Victoria
  • Moe Traders Association
  • Moe Taxi Company

The Committee for Moe representative was unable to attend but provided feedback that was incorporated into the first meeting.

Transport for Victoria is a new agency implemented within the last year to ensure integration and better strategic alignment in planning for public transport previously independently planned by VicRoads, VicTrack, and Public Transport Victoria.

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