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Go on an adventure whenever it suits you

“We visit Moe Library for its great views and peaceful spaces -when COVID restrictions are not in effect. We visit Morwell, Churchill and Traralgon libraries too if we are passing through those towns.

“Libraries and books have always been in my life – I cannot remember going to sleep in my childhood without reading a book or having a book read to me first. Living on a farm, it wasn’t always easy to get to the library, but having a mum as a librarian helped get access to books! Enid Blyton was a great friend to me as a child. Being a reader helped me in school and in life.

“The first library I remember was going to our town’s community library which was located in our local primary school – however I attended the local Catholic school – so I felt like an intruder as I entered the school for the first time in my red school uniform (where the kids there wore green). It had books everywhere and I loved it! I was probably seven or eight years old.      

To be able to go to a place that’s safe, warm and welcoming where you can sit and read and relax. Mobile libraries are great too. You can take lots of books, magazines, DVDs and CDs home and go on an adventure whenever it suits you!


Louise's book shelf


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